
French decoration for Kenton Man

By Sheila Runions

Banner Staff

On Monday, Dec. 22 at an afternoon ceremony in his hometown of Kenton, John Carl Roseveare was awarded by order of the president of France, the rank of Knight of the French National Order of the Legion of Honour.  

Read more: French decoration for Kenton Man

Minnedosa鈥檚 34th Annual Christmas Bird Count

Submitted Article

They came from near and far and gathered on a Minnedosa street corner before dawn December 28th.  Dressed warmly and armed with binoculars, the 12 were here for the 34th Annual Christmas Bird count.

Read more: Minnedosa鈥檚 34th Annual Christmas Bird Count

Buying passes helps trails

Sheila Runions

Banner Staff

To all snowmobilers riding the designated trail system:

Clubs are compensated for grooming trails from funds generated through the sale of snopasses. Funds are provided to clubs based on the number of kilometres groomed and the size of the drag used. Funds available are dependent on the number of snopasses sold; therefore, clubs are limited to the number of kilometres they are allowed to groom.

Read more: Buying passes helps trails

Council Clips - Jan 8

Sheila Runions

Banner Staff

RM of Daly, Nov. 12: Public works supervisor Craige Madden reported on problem beavers, grass trimming at bridge approaches and the V-plow retrofit.

Read more: Council Clips - Jan 8

鈥淲hat is your Vision鈥 strategy being explored in Neepawa

By Eoin Devereux

The Neepawa Banner

The town of Neepawa wants to know your views on how to grow the community. Council and administration are hoping to schedule a series of meetings in the new year for regional ratepayers. Mayor Adrian de Groot said these events would serve as a forum for people to bring forward ideas to build a vision strategy for Neepawa and the surrounding area. 

Read more: 鈥淲hat is your Vision鈥 strategy being explored in Neepawa