
水果视频bodies - Working with Rose...

By Rita Friesen

Neepawa Banner

It was a day of little jobs. Well, one was bigger than I expected, but that was because I was working with Rose.

Read more: 水果视频bodies - Working with Rose...

Faithfully yours - Four eternal truths

By Neil Strohschein

Neepawa Banner

Whenever I face challenges in life, I draw comfort and encouragement from the words spoken by one who, in his short time on earth, went through more trials that I ever will.

Read more: Faithfully yours - Four eternal truths

Waste and want

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Food waste, it鈥檚 a bigger problem than we think. According to a VCM International (VCMI) report, Canadians wasted $31 billion worth of food in 2014, that鈥檚 close to $900 per person.  

VCMI is a research and consulting company that focuses on agriculture, aquaculture, marine and food industries, but identifying and reducing food waste is one their main areas of expertise.

Read more: Waste and want

Right in the centre - It鈥檚 a secret and it should be

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

The Progressive Conservative government in 水果视频 is trying to strike a blow for democracy this month. Hearings are underway to examine new unionization legislation that calls for a secret ballot to form a union. It鈥檚 called certification. To cancel a union or de-certify would require a secret vote as well. Seems pretty logical. Most votes in this day and age are secret ballot except for local board decisions. Even then, a secret ballot can be called but it鈥檚 not often as the discussion usually leads to a more or less unanimous vote by a show of hands.

Read more: Right in the centre - It鈥檚 a secret and it should be

Observation Oct. 21

By Addy Oberlin

Neepawa Banner

This past week we encountered a day, not only in Swan Valley, but from Dauphin north to The Pas, that many of us will not forget.

Read more: Observation Oct. 21