Right in the Centre – It never seems to end

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

We are being plagued with problems that never seem to end. The latest is winter. Last week's big snow and blow was a blockade to what we assumed might be a normal spring. As this column is being written on Tuesday morning, two more storms are in the forecast. Seems like crop seeding and gardening will have to wait for a while longer.

If it's any consolation, Spring has come late before and it has come a lot earlier. In contrast to this spring, I can well remember a Mar. 29 in the 1970s, when my fall seeded alfalfa crop was in the 3-5 leaf stage on that date. This year, you can hardly find the field, let alone any green sprouts.

The most annoying thing about the everlasting swings in weather is not that they are happening, but that people are amazed or alarmed that the swings are happening. It has always been thus with one season being different than another and one decade or century being different than another. And, yes, the climate changes and the earth warms up and cools down. And this will really irritate some people, but mankind's activities have a lot less to do with the changes than some media people believe. The ice age was not caused by mankind, neither was the little ice age. In contrast, much of our arctic areas were once tropical. Mankind didn't cause those changes, either.

The other ongoing plague is how we approach COVID. As was predicted, "everyone" is getting COVID now. Many have been double or triple vaccinated. In contrast, there are people who were not vaccinated at all and they have escaped C-19 so far. It would appear that no matter how hyped up the media health officials got themselves, the vaccine was not a cure and not being vaccinated has had mixed results ranging between not being infected, to mildly ill, to very sick and even death. Same effects as being vaccinated, but stats so far do show better results with being vaccinated as to not being vaccinated.
As we move now to two and a half years of battling C-19, a lot has been learned. But a lot has not been learned or at least not adopted. C-19 is still happening in large numbers in care homes and unending amounts of restriction contortions don't seem to be working. What is happening is that costs, stress and efforts are wearing down staff and residents.

Another distressing factor that I have mentioned before is how little emphasis has been placed on treatments. In a press conference, I asked Dr. Roussin what the treatments were. He deferred to Ë®¹ûÊÓƵ Health and the very short list I was given was disturbing to say the least. That list is even more disturbing now as many, many treatments have been available but not made generally known to the public. I am reading a book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. titled, The Real Dr. Fauci. Fauci is the very old head doctor guy in the United States and it seems that Kennedy brands him correctly as believing if a person got COVID, they should stay home until they couldn't breathe anymore and then go to the hospital. That seems to be what happened to many health compromised care home residents.

It turns out there are dozens of medications, treatments and nutritional supplements that can be applied. Some are very simple (and cheap). The fact that many of these somewhat effective solutions were ridiculed by academics, politicians, the health departments and the media is disgusting to say the least.
As I have written before, nutrition and vitamins are major line of defence against any disease. Vitamin D (sunlight) being a major one. In the winter, getting direct sunlight is tough. In a care home it's nigh unto impossible. Vitamin D is just one treatment among many.

Ignoring possible treatments and preventions for COVID is like not shovelling the snow off the sidewalks or plowing our streets and roads. It may save some time or money but it's going to cost in the long run. Yes, the snow will eventually go away but just like COVID, it will be back and we better keep our snowplows, shovels and remedies close by.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this column are the writer's personal views and are not to be taken as being the view of the Banner & Press staff.