Ë®¹ûÊÓƵbodies - Just rambling…

By Rita Friesen

Neepawa Banner & Press

The air felt different, alive and fresh. Gone  was the heavy curtain that smothered every breath. In days I can recall, it would have been a refreshing rain that brought the change. Now a cold front moving in made my outlook brighter.

I can take some heat, some humidity, but the combination of the two – oh my. The change snuck in Saturday night, and the wind called me out Sunday morning. We walked, the dogs and I. Really walked, briskly and joyfully, sniffing the air and checking our environment. Gone was the drudge and trudge of the necessary walk. It felt great.

The magic lingered and so we headed out again. Down the Trans-Canada Trail, behind the cemetery and up the stairs. Again, we walked, really walked. The wind kept all insects at bay, the wind did not cross the lagoon before reaching me! The saskatoons are dark and dried, the chokecherries slightly turning their deep maroon, and wild berries announcing their presence. There was a bit of a gurgle from the river as it slipped over the stones, but it was in no great hurry. I paused to watch the great Blue Heron take to the sky, leggy and awkward until airborne. Voices filtered through the foliage, golfers at their game. For just a second it felt like the scene was a harbinger of fall, but I discarded that image as quickly as it came. (The thought probably came into existence last night as I watched the sun set too early and then again when the sun was not yet fully up when the dogs first needed to go out.)

It was with joy, and a light step, that we three climbed the stairs, thankful for the town’s speedy repair after the last deluge. Clearing the top I recalled that I had not brought water for any of us, and all three of us were panting. And then I checked my step counter. Should not have. The original intent had been to complete the lower as well. The buzz of my phone informed me that the granddaughters were stopping by with left over roll kuchen, and the last of my resolve melted. We headed for home.

  After a snack, a sit, and an attempt at resting, we were called back outdoors. Just putzing.  Breathing deeply, feeling the sun and the wind. Enjoying the day, not dodging the heat and humidity. For too long I have scurried from air-conditioned home to air-conditioned car to air-conditioned destination. I know- one theory is to embrace the heat and go with it- I can do that with the cold…So this day, this wondrous day, I played outside. In and out, no defined purpose. A little weeding, and little watering, and a lot of wandering. Vacuumed the  garage floor, but not the car which really needs it, hanging a load of laundry to dry in the wind.   My optimum temperature is between 20 and 25 degrees. Preferably on the plus side. Achieved, and if it is but for one day, I give grateful thanks.