
Letters - Hydro prices versus gas prices


Neepawa Banner & Press

The verdict is in. The Public Utilities Board has granted MB Hydro an increase of 3.6 percent.

After two years of agonizing in the coffee shops and by the editorialists of four different newspapers describing Hydro鈥檚 request as exorbitant, horrendous, astronomical and other similar superlatives. Many have told me that fixed income seniors would have to choose between heat and food. As one of those seniors with full electric heat, I spend $3,000 per year for hydro. The 3.6 per cent increase will cost me $108 per year, $9.00 per month, 30 cents per day. I think I can handle it by skipping two cups of coffee per week.

Meanwhile, the price of our other major form of energy, petroleum has increased by 26 per cent in the last seven months. This costs me an extra $25 every time I fuel up my vehicle. About $900 per year, $75 per month. Yet, strangely, this has not triggered a single editorial and barely receives honourable mention in the coffee shop, which leads me to my question. Why the difference in attitude toward MB Hydro and big oil?

By the way, Arden is now a 50 km round trip to the nearest grocery store, so we have little choice but to drive. It鈥檚 a long walk for an old fart.

Leonard Paramor, Arden

Editors note:

Maybe the lack of attention to oil prices is that we have no say in oil pricing but with Hydro we do get some say through the P.U.B.