And a Happy New Year...

By Rita Friesen

Neepawa Banner & Press

It is my custom to pause at years’ end and reflect. I do a great deal of reflecting, finding that as I mature I have more time to think and more to think about. A gentle way of admitting I am getting old! It has been a wonderful year. I no longer set as many goals and therefore don’t disappoint myself, or others, but quietly move through the days, appreciating all that I am and all that I have. Being present.

This year I thoroughly indulged myself with home improvements. My first thought was that I had over-indulged myself, but recanted, it is simply enough. For creature comfort, I had the crawl space and the attic insulation upgraded. It is making a great difference to warmth, drafts had not been a problem, but I can tell my home is even more cozy. Creature comfort included replacing my dryer, for it was dying. And then aesthetics ruled. I wanted a washing machine to match the dryer, I didn’t like how the fridge extended past the wall. And then, rather than have a defunct almond dish washer in the kitchen, I might as well get a nice white, working, one to fill the space. Still with aesthetics, I now ‘need’ a white range hood – it is the only almond left in the lineup! And then for the environment, I had a three-line wash line installed between the two garages. I love it! Only on super windy days or frigid beyond measure days do I use the dryer. Yes, I did well with home improvements, thanks to Francis, Aaron, and Robin, I am well set up.

A little more travel in 2017 as well. The time in Iceland with my daughter-in-law was exceptional- both the person and the place. Over to France and the opportunity to watch my daughter in her natural habitat and witness the fine young man my grandson is becoming. Have to admit the heat wave France was experiencing was a tad tough on the old girl but the company and experiences compensated. The afternoons in Normandy will forever linger with me – the interpretive centers, the monuments, the feeling. I found that experience so moving that words escape me.

There were a couple of occasions when I got to play with the great-grands. I am thrilled with the parents my grandchildren are becoming, and my kids are excelling at being grandparents. Lovely to watch and be a part of. ‘Great gran’ is treated with respect and affection. I could ask for nothing more. My sister joined me for two weeks of , you guessed it, reflecting, and adventuring. She got to see me in my natural habitat. We are all moving forward at a steady pace!

I have been busy but it is a good busy. I still get to hang out at It’s Time Fashions and Gifts. The new computer system came close to defeating me but excellent leadership has gotten me comfortable, if not yet adept, at working it. Working with and for my faith family is always rewarding. New friendships formed.

May the year ahead be kind to all of us, and may we be kind to one another.