
Right in the centre - If only men would listen to God

Ken Waddell
Neepawa Banner & Press

Isn鈥檛 that the main question facing men today? Isn鈥檛 that the question that men have always faced?
It seems that the problem of the day is that men, especially men in high places in politics and entertainment are rampantly involved in sexual assault. Not a day goes by without a fresh revelation or accusation of wrong doing against some famous person. It is disheartening to say the least.

So where does God fit in all this distasteful mess? Some people, including some of the accusing victims, won鈥檛 like this but God said very clearly how men and women are to interact in a morally upright fashion. Their relational boundaries are clearly drawn out. Most of the misdemeanours we see revealed every day are a result of stepping over those clearly stated boundaries.

Reporting is not approval

Now before the naysayers get all bent out of shape by saying that the Bible is full of sexual sin stories, rest assured that because it is historically recorded in the Bible does not mean it is God-promoted. Far from it. That would be as foolish as saying that Lloyd Robertson or Peter Mansbridge approved of terrorism because they reported on it.

My father was not a highly educated man but he had a few words of advice when it came to a man鈥檚 relationship with women. He simply said, 鈥淜eep your hands to yourself and shut your mouth.鈥 That鈥檚 pretty short but it is both direct and accurate. I bet just about every accused man that we read about lately wishes they had followed that advice. It also accurately reflects the above mentioned phrase that God said very clearly how men and women are to interact in a morally upright fashion.

I find it very sad that men, and sometimes women, think they can take a position of power and exact favours from someone, especially favours that transgress the boundaries of decency. It is most depressing. It really bothered me that we had a report recently in our Neepawa Banner and Press about the nobly intentioned WE Day and one of the speakers has now been accused of some pretty bad stuff. Even more depressing is that this guy was exposed publicly, and treated humorously for his behaviour. Yes, humorously and in a very public setting. Shame on We Day for not vetting this guy in a stronger fashion.

Mankind has always been way too interested in sexual matters. Think about it, sexuality is a minor part of our human endeavour but to observe the advertising and entertainment industry, one would think sexuality is the only thing that matters or even exists. It is so sad. Doubly sad in that the advertising and entertainment industry are so big and influential that everyone becomes entrapped in the net of debauchery that it spreads. Men have to be handsome and hot, women have to be beautiful and hot. Sexuality in advertising and entertainment are stifling forces that are not serving our society very well.

Downward spiral

Other than the possibility of nuclear war, the downward spiral of society into the pit of sexual debauchery may well be the greatest threat faced by our world.
I could be more explicit but the point is well made, God made the rules and almost all trouble comes when people break the rules. It鈥檚 pretty simple really, do as God says. Or if you prefer, do as my dad said 50 years ago, 鈥淜eep your hands to yourself and shut your mouth.鈥 Is that too much to ask?