
Observation - Dec. 9, 2016

By Addy Oberlin

The Neepawa Banner

The other day we all agreed that winter was here. It started to rain, but because the temperature was below zero, it all turned into ice. Cars were caged in a layer of ice. Streets became skating rinks. It was too dangerous to even put one foot outside the door. Even my dog slid right down the deck to the stairs. The saltshaker came in handy.

I heard that quite a few people fell and got hurt, but none too serious. I think that we, who are getting older, need to be even more careful, because we do not heal that quickly any more. You might say, well the Lord will look after me, but He has given us also common sense and we need to use that. The Lord will supply our needs and sometimes even beyond that, but this winter we all need to try to stay safe and thank the Lord for each day that He keeps us safe. Paul tells us in Philippians 4:19 that God will meet all our needs according to his riches in Jesus Christ.

Have a safe week.