
Observation Nov. 11

By Addy Oberlin

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This coming Friday we will remember those who fought and died for the freedom of people in many countries. I am a survivor of WW2 and I remember so well when the Canadian troops entered that little country by the sea and freed us from oppression and starvation. The tanks with Canadian soldiers rumbled into the town that we were staying at that time and handed out chocolate bars to the girls.

Many wars have been fought since and when we check the news centres we can see that the fighting is still going on. I often think of the many children that are traumatized by the wars that are raging right now. I have some bad memories from my childhood during the war that are still real sometimes.

We also need to remember the One who did not fight, but gave His life so that we can have redemption and be reconciled to God. Jesus tells us in John 8:36 鈥淚f the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.鈥 This is an eternal and everlasting freedom.

Let us Remember.