
Thumbs up - To refreshing citizens


Submitted by Len and Don

The Neepawa Press

Thumbs up to the generous lady who brought two ice-cold smoothies to two old guys doing the COPP Speed Watch on Main Street and Brown Avenue on Aug. 7. Much appreciated.


Submitted by Linda Boyle

Thumbs up to the Aquafit instructors at the pool this summer. Lessons were well planned and delivered with enthusiasm, making it a good workout and a fun experience. Thank you girls!

Would you like to send a thumbs up or thumbs down to an individual or group in the community? Please send it our way. Submissions must include a name and must be under 100 words. We want to hear from you!

In person: 243 Hamilton St. Neepawa  ~ By fax: 204-476-5073  ~ By email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.