
ˮƵbodies - What I have learned this week…

By Rita Friesen

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One of the super fine things about life is that there is always more to learn. Little things, medium things and really, really big things. Ideas, facts and far out concepts.

I was reminded of facts that I take for granted. I was reminded that family is so much more than blood lines. Family is the group of people who walk with you in every day life, encouraging and loving you. A phone call from a special friend who loves me as an aunt implant. Another call inviting me to my ‘brother’s’ seventy-fifth birthday celebration.  The same big brother that fifty-five years ago scared the wits out of his sister and I as we were walking home after dark. Weird noises from the corn field will do that!

I learned that I am not too old to make new friends! I am an introvert and so it takes a bit of time for me to open up to new people. And with the group that I am studying with, if I wait for my turn to speak, I could wait a very long time! One of my classmates is comfortable with my wandering thoughts and vivid imagination. A new friend, thankfully, never diminishes my love for my old friends, the ones who have listened to my rants and rambles for years.

I am learning that I am not afraid. The worst that could have happened to me, the loss of beloved, did happen.  I can’t imagine anything worse than losing a mentor, a cheerleader, a guide and protector and partner. And I survived and continue to live, almost happily, but contentedly.

I am reminded that I love words. From my journal – “the full moon’s beauty is akin to madness. The row of pine trees shrouded sentinels guarding the perimeter of my yard.”

I learned that I can make the tough decisions. Old black cat joined our home back in 1998. She has slowed down and despite a ravenous appetite, is skinny. There are two litter boxes for her convenience and some days that is not convenient enough. She has health issues that are becoming more distressing. I have chosen, with love and vet assistance, to facilitate/allow an end to her journey. Not an easy decision as most pet owners know.

I have learned that I am as alone, or lonely, as I allow. The reality is that the phone is as capable of making calls as taking them! I invited myself out for New Year’s supper. Had I ever done that before? Not likely! But it was wonderful to spend time with a loving family for a delicious meal and a couple of games of cribbage.

Much of what I am learning is about myself. I guess that’s fair. The older I get, the more life there is to examine!