
Water reserves running out quicker than expected

Urgent Water Advisory

By Banner & Press Staff

Residents of Neepawa are asked to immediately curtain their water usage as the levels are dropping quicker than expected. The Town has stated, via its social media that the water levels in the tower are dropping fast! What that means is that people are using too much water and the community is at risk of running out!  The Town is asking that everyone limit their use of water today. 


Water Advisory in Neepawa underway


Image courtesy of the Town of Neepawa


By Banner & Press Staff

A reminder from the Town of Neepawa that its precautionary boil-water advisory is now in effect. The advisory started on May 20 and will likely remain in place for 4 to 5 days. The advisory is needed because new connections at the reservoir are being installed, which would double Town鈥檚 available water capacity.

During those upgrades, the water pressure for the town will drop below 20 Psi (pounds per square inch). Under provincial laws, an advisory must be declared, regardless of the reason for the pressure drop. The advisory is just a precautionary move and is different from a more serious boil water order.

During the advisory, there will be period where water is unavailable or at a lower pressure. Residents are asked to boil all water used in food and beverage for consumption for two minutes. As well, water customers are asked please minimize unnecessary water use starting May 20. That includes car washing, laundry or dishes. 



Friday, May 20, 2022 Neepawa Banner & Press

nbp 20220520 A20 01Get the latest news online with the Neepawa Banner & Press! Click the large front page image to see the pages from this week, or click the link below to flip through the whole paper on issuu.com.

In this week's edition, read about the flood emergency in Minnedosa, find out about the upgrades planned for the Yellowhead Centre, see some highlights from the Great Benjamins Circus in Neepawa and more!

Don't forget to pick up a hard copy of the Banner & Press so you don't miss out on some great deals in the flyers!


Read more: Friday, May 20, 2022 Neepawa Banner & Press

Friday, May 20, 2022 Rivers Banner

rbm 20220520 A12 01Get the latest news online with the Rivers Banner! Take a look at the link below to flip through the whole paper on issuu.com.

In this weeks edition of the Rivers Banner, the local athletes are taking names, a little info on lunar eclipses and Minnedosa is currently in a state of emergency!

Don't forget to pick up your hard copy of the Rivers Banner to see deals from Princess Auto!






Read more: Friday, May 20, 2022 Rivers Banner

Friday, May 13, 2022 Neepawa Banner & Press

nbp 20220513 A20 01Get the latest news online with the Neepawa Banner & Press! Click the large front page image to see the pages from this week, or click the link below to flip through the whole paper on issuu.com.

In this week's edition, new funding has been announced for several regional projects, including the Neepawa Golf & Country Club. As well, new cash for pothole road repairs, an honour for a local cattle ranching family and more!

Don't forget to pick up a hard copy of the Banner & Press so you don't miss out on some great deals in the flyers!


Read more: Friday, May 13, 2022 Neepawa Banner & Press