
‘I’m extremely proud of them’

Touchwood Park artists featured in Brandon-based gallery


Website-TouchwoodArtists Bdn


Photo courtesy of Gerry Oliver

This series of Northern Lights paintings is just one of many works made by Gerry Oliver's art students from Neepawa's Touchwood Park. These works are currently on display at Brandon's Art Gallery of Southwestern ˮƵ.

By Casper Wehrhahn

Neepawa Banner & Press

A group of Neepawa artists have added a brand new honour to their artistic careers. A group of artists from Touchwood Park, taught by Gerry Oliver, currently have their work on display at the Art Gallery of Southwestern ˮƵ. Their art is part of an exhibit titled Let Them Fly, which opened late last month and is scheduled to remain on display until Oct. 14, 2023.

Oliver has been working closely with these students at ArtsForward for approximately 10 years, with many of them being there since the start.

“They have been doing amazing stuff– they’ve learned a variety of skills over the years and have really pulled them together,” said Oliver. “And of course the now former administrator of ArtsForward, Yvonne Sisley, did a great job of promoting them, too. So the community has been recognizing their work and what they can do.”

Prior experiences have seen her students’ work on display at locations such as Brew’s Brothers Bistro, as well as being part of the annual juried art show. A piece from student Justin Smith was even elected to be on a year-long tour.

“I’m extremely proud of them,” Oliver enthused.

As part of these artists’ big-city debut, a public reception is set to be held on Sept. 21 at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend, mingle and enjoy the works on display.

Further details on this event will appear in a future edition of the Neepawa Banner & Press.