
Friday, April 10, 2020 Neepawa Banner & Press

nbp 20200410 A20 01Get the latest news online with the Neepawa Banner & Press! Click the front page image at the bottom to see the pages from this week, or click the link below to flip through the whole paper on issuu.com.

In this week's paper, see how some teachers are keeping connected with their students outside the classroom, read about the experiences one of our reporters had travelling during the early days of the pandemic, find out how some communities are keeping their residents' spirits up while keeping their distance and much more! 

Don't forget to pick up a hard copy of the Banner & Press so you don't miss out on some great deals in the flyers! In this week's, you can find Princess Auto, depending on where you pick up your paper.



nbp 20200410 A20 01