
Impromptu speeches...Yes, you can learn to love them!

By Cora Baker

Neepawa and Area 4-H Beef Club

At the Neepawa and Area 4-H beef Club鈥檚 third meeting, Tim Baker paired the junior, intermediate and senior members up into groups of two. He then gave each group a topic to talk about. Some of the topics were: Your biggest cattle show attended; the best place you鈥檝e gone on summer vacation; where you go to buy show supplies; where to get the best pizza and your favorite sports team. We were given five minutes to write our thoughts on the topic and then present them as a group.

Shelly Bjarnarson took the Clover Buds to another area where they got to create mini speeches on various topic of Shelly鈥檚 choice. This was to prepare them for Communications Evening being held in February.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:02pm by Broddi Bjarnarson. 

Next meeting  was Jan. 5 and was very exciting. 

As the club members are busy preparing for Communications evening; our club leaders chose to aid us by bring in a guest speaker. On Jan. 5, we had the privilege of meeting and receiving valuable information from Raymond Dyck.  He spoke to us about speech content; length; the appropriate amount of eye contact; how to stand (without fidgeting); make sure that you use expressions throughout your speech (both visual and audio). As a fun activity and to help us learn, he had us create mini speeches on something we were interested in. Our mini speeches were to include an intro, middle and an end. 

If you would like to come out on Feb. 2 at  6:30 pm and cheer on your friends, family members or just come and see and hear what 4-H communication night is all about, we will be holding the club level communications evening at the CEC Building in Neepawa. March 8, 20, and April 18th are the additional Communication Evenings for the Area 4-H Clubs.

Every year as a club we hold a Christmas party, and although Christmas has passed we will be celebrating the holiday season at the Portage Wave Pool on Feb. 7.

Crash day: no I don鈥檛 mean with cars. We will hold our Annual Crash Day at the Beautiful Plains Ag Society complex at 11:00 am; on May 2, 2015. 

The meeting was adjourned by Dylan Oshanyk. Our next meeting will be held Monday, Feb. 2 and will be Communication Night!