
Oak River Church celebrates 50th

By Alvina Paddock

The 50th anniversary of Oak River United Church was celebrated on Dec.7 at 1:30 p.m. and was well attended; nearly 70 people traveled from far and near to help celebrate the event.

Former ministers and friends emailed greetings which were read by Rev. Glenna Beauchamp. Greetings came from ministers Lydia Glawson now of Brandon, Tom (Evelyn) Delgatey of Minnedosa, Craig (Donna) Gibbs from B.C., David (Kristie) Morton also of B.C. and Al (Brenda) Rempel from St. Catharines, Ont. John Shaw from Brandon. Lyn Smith (nee Henry) from Dauphin and Dick Heapy of Oak River each delivered short speeches.

A time for visiting and stories followed by a delicious lunch of fresh fruit, fruit loaves and cheese, anniversary cake, tea, coffe and juice, brought the afternoon to a close. 

Now aged 94, the church carpenter from 50 years ago planned to attend but unfortunately poor weather and bad road conditions kept him at home. Dick Selen is now planning to make a trip here this summer. Contractor was Selen Bros from Oakbank; Dick was the one who came here to head up the building of our church. In speaking with him on the phone he said he had fond memories of Stan and Jean Henry, D. A. Patterson, Alex Black, Bill Barr, Wilfred Heapy and many more, but that he couldn't remember the names.

Many thanks to the comittee for preparing the event and the wonderful lunch and fellowship.