
Legion news, Jan. 14 - Branch No. 75

By Warren Smallwood


The Jan. 12 meeting of Rivers Legion was called to order by president Darryl Childerhose with 11 members present; two new members, Marilyn Halliday and James Baldwin, were sworn in.

The annual Jan. 1 Levee Day was well attended this year and a good time was had by all. A juke box is going to be installed in the club room in the near future.  It is Internet-based and therefore, will have a very large selection of music available. According to the agreement, the legion will receive a portion of the income. A comment was heard from the assembled members that if someone didn鈥檛 like the selection of music coming over the radio they could just throw in a coin and pick whatever they wanted.

The annual zone meeting will be Feb. 1 at 1 p.m. at Branch No. 3 in Brandon.

The second phase of the renovation of the hall roof is ready to proceed in the spring. The popular fundraising suppers will continue with the first one set for Feb. 28. The menu is ham and scalloped potatoes; menus for March 28 and April 25 are still to be decided.

Research continues regarding rental of the upper hall and the condition of the hardwood floor. No one at the meeting had sufficient knowledge of care and finishing of the floor, so no decisions could be made.  

Some interesting discussion took place about how to communicate with the community and reach the younger generation. The terms Facebook and web page were used with varying amounts of understanding; some comrades are going to go home and ask Google.