
Council Clips - Jan 8

Sheila Runions

Banner Staff

RM of Daly, Nov. 12: Public works supervisor Craige Madden reported on problem beavers, grass trimming at bridge approaches and the V-plow retrofit.

Accounts of $62,437.23 were authorized for payment. A donation of $250 was made to Ag in the Classroom. A motion to give $100 to Crime Stoppers was defeated.

Council approved the proposal to subdivide two acres  from NE 1-11-20 WPM on the conditions that developer Mark and Cavell Douglas and owner James and Mary Douglas enter into a development agreement with municipality.

The former Harrow school has replaced some of the windows; Daly was thanked for their contribution to the same. Garbage issues at Chimo Resort and possible changes needed were discussed.

The new office renovations and the need for office space for assistant Donna Chacun were also discussed, as were water problems in the valley.