
Annual report for health auxiliary

By Donna Morken


Riverdale District Health Auxiliary (RDHA) has 61 members and nine meetings were held in 2014 with an average attendance of 10 members. The meetings were held in the Kiwanis Courts lounge on the fourth Wednesday of each month excluding July, August and December.

Members take an active role in the meetings and some very interesting discussions are held. All remain very committed to how they may better serve the patients, staff and community of Rivers and area by supporting our health care. 

President Lynn Madden continues to meet with hospital administration in an effort to keep communication lines open at all times and research the needs of those in our facility, whether it be patients or staff. Departments and administration keep us informed of requests for equipment for the hospital, whether it be for general operation, rehab or patient rooms. There are also other ways we can help with the provision of health care in our community, which we continually discuss and provide.


Rationale is always provided as to why equipment is needed. Once the business part of the meetings is concluded, members are treated to homemade goodies and refreshments. It is during this time that members talk and discuss things, which enables a bond to be formed so that they may work as a unit to achieve the mandate of the auxiliary and the mission statement of 水果视频 Health Auxiliaries Association: 鈥渢o strive to enhance the provision of health care in our area.鈥


Last Christmas RDHA presented small gifts of Christmas cheer to patients in the hospital. Fruit baskets were also given to the hospital and medical staff to express our appreciation for all their hard work and the many ways they serve the community.   


In February Healthy Rivers sub-committee provided a free kids Heart Smart healthy cooking class at Rivers Collegiate; all who attended enjoyed making some healthy snacks and pizza. In June Healthy Rivers assisted in providing materials for the community gardens at Rivers Collegiate and Rivers Elementary School. Work is also proceeding in developing a trail that goes completely around town and joins Aspen Trail to Lake Wahtopanah. This is in conjunction with the Wetlands Centre of Excellence project; this will continue to assist our auxiliary to further promote healthy lifestyles.


President Lynn and past-president Michelle McFadden attended the Assiniboine northeast regional meeting in Minnedosa on April 23 and brought back news of regular provincial business, the continuance of the Nurse Practitioner Scholarship and reports from other auxiliaries and their fundraising ideas. The entertainment for that day was cowboy poet Razer Ruddick, a presenter on the relaxation technique of tapping and presentations by two physician assistants. The next regional meetings will be in Neepawa in 2015 and in Rivers in 2016.


The first week of May saw our annual Florence Nightingale Tea with themed baskets as prizes for the penny rafflee; all seemed to enjoy the delicious baking and social time. This event continues to be a great fundraiser for RDHA. To promote exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle, on May 23 we held 水果视频鈥檚 first ever Walk with Your Doc. Drs. Nowasad and Dahliwahl participated, along with the two medical students who were here. There were 140-145 people in attendance on the walk including students from Grades 1-3 and 6, teachers, EAs, personal care home residents, rehab patients and many local people and even a dog named Maggie! All were enthusiastic, even in 33C heat, and ready to do it again next year. A challenge was put out to all other auxiliaries for next year and Dr. Nowosad did an interview with Marilyn Maki of CBC.

In June a $500 bursary was awarded to a student from Rivers Collegiate who is planning to enter the medical field upon graduation; this year鈥檚 recipient was Josh Tait who plans to work in the field of EMS.  

August saw two fundraising yard sales. One was held Aug. 23 with items donated by Beryle Burt; the other was held on Aug. 30 with items donated by the Grobowsky family. This realized $1, 615 towards purchases by the auxiliary for Riverdale Health Centre.


September saw our annual Ethnic Food Court at the annual home and craft show; delicious food was served by all the booths. This was our second year in the new Riverdale Community Centre and we are adjusting to all the nuances of the facility. We very much enjoy all the space that is afforded to not only our food booths but the areas where the attendees sit and enjoy good food and conversation. Our members and all those who assisted are to be commended for their hard work. This food was all prepared by the willing hands of the auxiliary and its friends. President Lynn and conveners Bernice Elliott, Diane Marriott and Barb Sveistrup are to be thanked for their hard work as conveners with another successful year for 2014. We went 鈥済reen鈥 this year by using compostable cutlery, cups, bowls and plates; it seemed to go over well as we try to help our planet. No members were able to attend the provincial conference in Creighton, Sask this year as it was at the same time as our ethnic food booth.


Purchases/donations for 2014 totalled $10,601.87 which included: a small freezer for the collegiate breakfast program, $337.87; a $250 donation to Child and Family Services; a blood pressure monitor, $2,400; a pressure relief mattress , $1,914; rehab equipment totaling $2,500; personal care home (towel cart, blood pressure monitor and digital signage), $3,200.


Guest speakers were invited to various meetings and were very informative. Jim Duthie, Rivers EMS supervisor, discussed all the duties EMS personnel provide and answered any other ambulance-related questions. Margaret Schoneville attended from Child and Family Services Foundation to discuss what services they provide for our area and what we may be able to assist then with. More are planned for future meetings.


The Craft Cupboard run by Debbie Nealy continues to be used by all people in the hospital, whether it be patients, staff or visitors. The money from the articles purchased goes directly back into auxiliary purchases for the facility.  It is an excellent fundraising activity for RDHA and this year, brought in more than $500. We had lapghans added to the cupboard so they are available to patients who would like something to keep them cozy in their wheelchairs. These are presently being knit by members and may be knit by other community members as needed.


RDHA members represent many committees within the community and assist in whatever way they can. Their commitment to doing whatever they can is always appreciated. New members are always welcomed.  On April 11 RDHA will be assisting with a community Wellness Day; it will have guest speakers in the morning and afternoon. Topics that day will be varied; please stay tuned for more information.

The auxiliary continues to collaborate with Riverdale Health Services District Foundation to provide financial support for larger health projects like Telehealth.  We can all be very proud of the achievements we have made in the varied areas of health in our community. As our community continues to grow, we will continue with our hard work and dedication to provide financial support for our health facility and community.  We will continue to show leadership, innovation and inspiration for our auxiliary and beyond.