Ho! Ho! Ho!

By Sharlette Paddock



Riverdale Harvest had the pleasure to sell hotdogs/drinks and to host a bake sale at Rivers Legion after the Santa Claus parade while people were waiting for their turn with Santa. We raffled off two items: one was a Rockstar hoodie sweatshirt that Irene Ventnor won; the other was a large inflatable outdoor Christmas decoration won by Donna Simard.

Rivers Legion Ladies’ Auxillary was generous enough to allow us to use the kitchen to prepare our food; we sold approximately 90 dogs. We sold a lot of wonderful baking as well and we raised approximately $500 from this venture and received approximately 65 pounds of donated food.

We owe much gratitude to Lesley McFadden and the home ec class for providing us with baking; Alex, Jerome, Chassidy and Andrea joined us as volunteers from Rivers Collegiate. We also want to recognize Irene Ventnor for donating her time and the many others who provided baking and volunteered in many ways. We appreciate all the support for this venture and we hope to have the opportunity to do this again next year. 


Our next board meeting will be Jan. 14 at 7:30 p.m. at Prairie Crocus Regional Library.