
Plumas UCW prepares for Christmas, wraps up 2014 meetings

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The Plumas UCW met on Nov. 20 for their regular November meeting and the annual meeting. The meeting was chaired by president Norma Watson who opened the meeting with a reading on November 11.

Minutes were read and accepted. The Fall Supper  was reported a success and all who worked and helped in any way were thanked. Wendy D. has checked the kitchen: new oven mitts, cross sink strainers and coffee pots have been purchased. Those who donated to or worked at the funeral lunch for Ed Cisyk were thanked.

We will have our Christmas supper at Brahma's in Neepawa and continue on to visit with Plumas ladies who are now residents at Country Meadow. We need to take plates, napkins and a variety of dainties for the evening. Ladies now residing in Neepawa have been asked to join with us for this visit.

Correspondence included a donation request from the Counseling Centre; news on the Ebola crisis from Plan and Gift of Hope  catalogue. The World Day of Prayer materials have arrived.

The Christmas tree will be in place for White Gift Sunday on Nov. 30鈥攁lso the mitten  tree for mittens for the Portage Women's shelter. Thanks to Laurel for doing these tasks. She will also purchase the flowers for those 90 and over.

Annuals reports were then circulated and on a motion was brought forward by Laurel and Irene that the reports be accepted as presented. It was carried There were no changes in the executive.

Upcoming events include the longest night service on Dec. 14 at 9:30 a.m.; and Christmas eve service on Dec. 24 at 4:00 p.m.

There will be no meetings in December, January, February or March. The next meeting will be April 16 at 7 p.m. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction.