
Hospital foundation helps health care

By Gary Pomeroy 


The purpose of Riverdale Health Services District Foundation is to enhance health care within the community.  Any money given to the foundation is controlled and spent locally. Affairs of the foundation are handled by a volunteer-based board of directors; members are local residents who represent the Town of Rivers and RMs of Daly and Blanshard.

In 2014 the foundation funded three projects  for Riverdale Health Centre: a recumbent cross trainer, a vital signs monitor and a staff appreciation luncheon. The recumbent cross trainer was purchased for Riverdale Rehab Unit at a cost of $5,782.  The trainer will fill a much-needed gap in their rehab program by improving exercise tolerance as it includes both upper and lower limb movements. The vital signs monitor was co-purchased with Riverdale District Health Auxiliary, with each group providing $2,079 towards the purchase. The monitor (complete with mobile stand) can measure blood pressure, pulse rate, blood oxygen levels and temperature. It will be used throughout the facility including the rehab, personal care home and clinic. On May 20 an appreciation luncheon was hosted by the foundation for the health centre staff. It was our way to show that their continued efforts do not go unnoticed and are appreciated by the community.

Local residents have an opportunity to invest in health care in many ways, such as a personal donation, memorial gift, estate legacy or to make a special occasion gift for events like birthdays or anniversaries. The foundation annually offers the Lights of Love campaign.  For a donation, a bulb will be lit in memory of a loved one on the tree located west of the town office.  The names of donors and their loved ones will be posted at Rivers Super Thrifty Pharmacy. Memory slips and donation boxes can be found at local businesses.

If you wish to support the foundation in the form of a bequest or a donation, the mailing address is RHSD Foundation, Box 222, Rivers, MB  R0K 1X0. Charitable receipts for income tax purposes will be issued.  Remember, all moneys received are controlled and spent locally. We appreciate your ongoing support.