Council clips from across the region - Nov 27

Council clips


RM of Blanshard, Oct. 28:

Requests for machinery roads to be widened were brought to the attention of council. Reeve, council and CAO Diane Kuculym were authorized to attend the annual Association of Ë®¹ûÊÓƵ Municipalities convention in Winnipeg Nov. 24-27. Reeve Brent Fortune, councillors Mark Gill and Walt Froese, and Kuculym were authorized to attend a seminar for transition committees in Brandon on Nov. 5. Council discussed investigating the possibility of getting natural gas into the municipality. Council agreed to pay Gerald Winstone for road repairs completed in Ward 6 as per bill received. Shane Wareham will remove debris in the municipal ditch east of 121W (between 89N and 90N) with the condition that no clay is removed and the ditch is left in a safe manner; work is to be done at the landowner’s expense.

Finances: Damage was done to a shed during snow clearing; electrical service had to be removed; council agreed to reimburse Edith Kerr $113 to remove wire to the demolished shed. Accounts of $159,110.13 and unpaid invoices of $58,324.67 were passed for payment.

RM of Blanshard, Nov. 12:

Recyclables being taken from the Oak River depot was discussed; a camera and a sign are to be purchased for the depot. A contractor will be hired to clean out debris in the ditch on the west side of Road 125W (between 82W and 83W) that is causing water to back up and cause undue hardship to a ratepayer. Quotes will be received for tree removal on machinery roads. Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District requested Blanshard (Oakview) input in setting up ALUS committee members. A concern regarding access to a road allowance in Ward 4 was referred to a council member for review. No gates are to be placed on municipal road allowances. K. Marzoff’s proposal to subdivide part of SE 33-13-22 W was approved with the following condition: development on site be brought into conformance with the applicable bylaws. The MTCML rebate was received.

Finances: School tax levies were paid to Public Schools Finance Board, $317,211.90, Parkwest, $77,647.18, Rolling River, $654,724.65. The minister's statutory levy of $23,213 was paid. Newdale Hall Committee was paid $1,561.38. Accounts of $79,031.38 and unpaid invoices of $21,545.69 were passed for payment. Gill Farms Ltd. was paid $29,925 for road reconstruction in Ward 6 and $14,571.10 for gravelling roads in Blanshard. The next meeting is Dec. 2 at 9 a.m. 

RM of Daly, Sept. 9:

Cheques of $161,615.02 were approved; accounts of $77,644.64 were paid. Excel Design was paid $158,876.50 from the gas tax reserve. Kroeger Backhoe Service was paid $196,917.53 for flood-related work. Gordon and Lois Allen’s proposal to subdivide 11.3 acres from NE 28-1-20WPM was approved on condition they bear all creation costs. 

RM of Daly, Oct. 14:

Employees were paid for overtime hours worked which directly related to flood remediation: Craige Madden, 66.25 hours; Richard Allen, 50.25 hours; Mike Perault, 34.50 hours. Reeve, councillors, and office staff were authorized to attend the Nov. 24-27 AMM convention in Winnipeg  with registration and related expenses being paid. Donna Morken thanked council for the use of the council chamber for Train Station Restoration meetings. The committee is currently doing an architectural study on the  building. The committee is pursuing REAP (Regional Economic Analysis Process) and would like Daly’s support. The Prairie Mountain Health committee still meets and discusses health issues; Donna will probably not be a part of this committee after amalgamation. Councillor Ian Dyer discussed building a road north of Paradise Valley on the municipal right of way; current landowners should be contacted outlining these intentions. Councillor Rod Veitch reported on bridge and road repairs which will be critical in the near future. Council approved the proposal to subdivide 1.5 acres from part of SW 11-11-20 WPM on the condition that Evan and Thelma Bertram be granted a variation order reducing the minimum site width to 99 feet, bear costs of creation and that the proposed public road is opened.

Finances: Cheques of $512,030.98 were approved; accounts of $139,519.65 were paid. Council authorized a $100 donation to the Rivers Legion Ladies Auxiliary poppy day luncheon. RM of Woodworth was paid $25,853.16 (on behalf of waterline customers) to satisfy the levy requirement for the new water treatment plant; Daly will invoice each of the customers $2,154.43 to cover that amount.

Town of Rivers, Oct. 7:

Barb Plewes discussed funding options for a splash park; a proposal is to be drafted by the committee and brought to council for future consideration. CAO Kat Bridgeman, foreman Jeff Worth and two councillors were authorized to attend a recycling and waste reduction forum in Winnipeg on Nov. 4. Lakeshore Ë®¹ûÊÓƵs’ request to install a sign advertising RTM homes at the Seventh Avenue development was denied. Council donated $100 to the Progressive Safety Days program on Dec 8.

Town of Rivers, Oct. 21:

Council will make a recommendation to the new Riverdale Council to adjust the salary scale for all Rivers employees so they may be comparable with RM of Daly as well as municipalities across the province. An application for conditional use for a modular home at Lot 3/4 Block 4 Plan 236 was tabled. Accounts of $199,600.13 and utility of $22,615.84 were paid. Council will pay $800 to install a light standard on the back alley pole north of 529 Third Avenue with which the balance being paid by Mark Gill. 

Town of Rivers, Nov. 6:

The application for conditional use for 371 Second Avenue was defeated. Public works employees will decorate the Chamber of Commerce float for the Dec. 6 Santa Claus parade. Council  will donate cake for the annual Lions Club Christmas party. A strategic plan for recycling is being put together for council to review.