86 year old wins shooting competition


Pictured Rudy Macks & Evelyn Leffingwell, Frank Leffingwell's widow and organizer of the annual Frank Leffingwell Memorial Shoot.

By Kate Jackman Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

On Sept. 20, Plumas-born Rudy Macks turned 87 but the month before, his steady aim helped him top a shooting competition. 

On Aug. 16, Macks headed from his home in Calgary to Lethbridge, to take part in the 14th annual Frank Leffingwell Memorial Shoot. Macks came away a winner, winning the aggregate with a score of 6.361.  He also won the 200-yard with a score of 1.607 and was third in the 100-yard with a score of 0.969. The shoot was in memory of his long-time friend and shooting competitor, Frank Leffingwell.

Macks grew up in Plumas and as one of seven children, he still has many relatives in the area. 

Macks’ youthful enthusiasm isn’t limited to shooting. He used to work on ranches and about three years ago, he helped a friend with their round up.  Getting on a horse for the first time in about 40 years, he said that the two-day round up of 1,250 steers was a great experience.