
Yellowhead Centre holds AGM, reviews year end results

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Neepawa鈥檚 Yellowhead Centre held their annual general meeting (AGM) on Monday night. The centre was so busy Monday night that the meeting had to be held in the kitchen, as the lobby area was full of skaters and the hall was hosting the first night of Pickle Ball.

The Yellowhead Centre has been debt free for several years but this year incurred a loss after depreciation of $9911. The YHC also has just over $60,000 in reserves.The loss was entirely due to the expenditure this past year for a full engineering review of the YHC by Boge and Boge Engineering at a cost of approximately $30,000. Outgoing board chairman, Ken Waddell said at the meeting, 鈥淏oge and Boge did a three phase plan for the Yellowhead in the late 1990s. Some of each phase has been done but none of the phases were completed. This report gives a full picture of what needs to be done at the YHC structurally and to bring it up to code. The YHC can be maintained for many years to come at a staged cost of about $3 million. The alternative is $16 million or more to replace it.鈥

A new board was elected with most of the existing board staying on for another year. Darian Major, a new member to the board was elected chairman of the YHC at the board meeting held following the AGM.