
Plumas UCW prepares for fall

Submitted article

The first meeting of the Plumas UCW was held in the CE building on Sept. 18 at 7 pm. The meeting was opened by president Norma Watson with seven members present.

They reported 21 visits made to those sick or shut in. Norma welcomed everyone back for our fall season and read a September poem.

Thanks were expressed to Joyce and Iris for watering the Community Garden; to Iris for putting her car in the 鈥渇air鈥 parade and to those who decorated it; to Isabel for getting the candy for the parade.

A thank you has been received from World Day of Prayer committee for our donation of $130. The Bahamas will be the Theme country in 2015.

A cheque for $75 will be sent to the Pins n鈥 Pals group as our donation towards the Christmas stockings for Third Crossing Manor residents.

Fall supper will be held Oct. 19  and the supper will be served from 4:30 to 6:30 pm.

Proposed date for the fall tea and bake sale is Nov. 29 at 11 am.

A suggestion was made that we do a visit to Country Meadows in Neepawa  and will be discussed at the next meeting.

Meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction.

Next meeting will be Oct. 16 at 7 .pm.