Legion News

By Warren Smallwood

The Sept. 8 meeting was the first after a summer off; many things were accomplished since the June meeting.  Final details for the roof project were settled in talks with Community Places and the contractor. The custom rafters have been ordered and should be here soon. When they arrive the front part of the building will be done quickly; the large back portion will be finished in the spring and summer next year.


Two new members, Reg Vining and his granddaughter Denise Stewart, were sworn in. Reg is a Second World War veteran who fought in Italy; he is 99. They were surprised to find a picture of Reg and his future brothers-in-law in our veterans’ display case. We had a great time of fellowship and visiting with them after the formal meeting when we also enjoyed juice and cookies.

Comrade Kelly Spurway was installed as our new poppy chairperson; she takes over from Comrade Ralph Brooking.

There are a number of events being planned for the near future. On Sept. 19 the clubroom will feature the live music of Dave and the Piano Man (Dave being our president, Mr. Oakey). The Legion is also teaming up with Rivers and District Chamber of Commerce to have Oktoberfest in the upper hall on Oct. 4. The annual Legion bonspiel will be earlier this year — the last weekend of November.