
Council clips- August 29 Rivers Banner

RM of Daly, July 8: Board of Revision will be held on Oct. 14 at 11 a.m. A variation order was granted to Paradise Valley to change the minimum front yard requirement of 150 feet to 90 feet and up to 141.2 feet, depending on the specific lot. Councillor Larry Fast discussed the trimming of trees at Chimo Resort. Councillor Ian Dyer questioned what is required to open a gravel pit. Councillor Dave Falkevitch voiced his concern for Road 65 and the amount of damage done by gravel trucks. Reeve Evan Smith spoke about the amount of damage done to roads and bridges and how the staff and councillors have worked hard to get repairs done. RM of Daly will inform the joint Rivers/Daly amalgamation committee that Daly does not wish to join Midwest Planning District.

Finances: Cheques of $45,894.61 were approved; accounts of $83,167.08 were paid. Harrow School Community Committee was given $500 to help replace windows lost to vandalism. Excel Design was paid $50,000 to cover half the cost of the culvert which has been built and is in Winnipeg awaiting proper installation conditions.

RM of Blanshard, Aug. 12: Solar lights are to be purchased for the Cardale recycling shed to see if that meets lighting needs. Gravelling is almost completed in Wards 3, 5 and 6 but as more gravel is crushed, work will continue. A delay in getting additional gravel crushed in the Krahn pit, water in the pit and additional stripping at the site were discussed. Quotes for suitable fencing for Oak River lagoon are to be obtained. A variation order was granted to Jim and Diane Kuculym to build a new storage shed. Midwest AAA baseball team will play at nationals in Quebec in August; one team member resides in Blanshard;Council policy is to donate to Blanshard athletes attending sporting events outside of the province; Council donated $125 to Riley Shamray. Accounts of $59,143.22 and unpaid invoices of $52,981.94 were passed for payment. The next meeting is Aug. 26 at 9 a.m.

RM of Daly, Aug. 12: Public works supervisor Craige Madden reported on flood issues, the gravel program and the eight foot culvert at Les Wood鈥檚. Jason Kurchaba and Garry Sabeski attended the meeting to discuss the proposed Keating development and the provincial reluctance to approve this development; they feel a meeting with the minister and the RM may help the process. Al Swayze was granted a variation order on Lots 1 and 2 Block 4 Plan 130 [Wheatland] to change the: maximum site coverage of 40 per cent to 90 per cent; minimum required site area of 15,000 square feet to 6,760 square feet; minimum front yard setback of 30 feet to 10 feet; minimum rear yard setback of 25 feet to 10 feet. Paradise Valley鈥檚 variation order to change minimum site requirements of five acres to 0.63 acres and up to 1.82 acres, depending on the specific lot, was granted. Councillor Dave Falkevitch discussed flood issues and the use of low level crossings and he noticed plastic culverts are being cut up by the mower. Councillor Sam Wurtz reported the river road will need lots of gravel and he spoke of a culvert near Deerboine Colony. Councillor Ian Dyer reported on rink board activities and hockey schools, and he discussed tree cutting on municipal property. Councillor Larry Fast has heard varied opinions on the state of Chimo roads; he notes RV parking is becoming an issue, more town and municipal sites are needed. Councillor Shane McLeod commended public works for keeping roads in good shape with the adverse conditions this year. Councillor Rod Veitch said the Les Wood culvert needs to be installed soon; he also spoke about the amount of damage done to roads/bridges and how staff/council has worked hard to get repairs done. Cheques of $192,246.08 were approved; accounts of $102,040.92 were paid.