
President resigns, VP needed for Rivers Chamber

By Sheila Runions

Banner Staff

Rivers and District Chamber of Commerce held its latest meeting on Aug. 20 and on Aug. 19, president Melissa Macmillan emailed vice-president Ken Tait her resignation, effective immediately. Thankfully, Ken agreed to step into the chair 16 months ahead of schedule (presidency is a two-year term) and it was a seamless transition as he has chaired five of seven previous meetings. Since Ken accepted the new responsibility, another vice-president is required and of the 14 people present, none volunteered for the role.

The fundraising committee provided an update; a mini Oktoberfest may be held at Rivers Legion on Oct. 4 but nothing has been confirmed.

Because Super Thrifty Pharmacy must order early for best pricing, a quantity of candy has been bought for the Santa Claus parade. A date and time for the same will be set at the September meeting; keep reading for more details.

Plans for the 26th annual home and craft show (originally called Crafty) were finalized. Since Rivers Kids Club is fundraising for their flood damage, the dads will be asked to assist with set-up and take down for a $200 donation. Although it is presumed the fathers will accept this offer, Chamber members are strongly encouraged to be present the evening of Monday, Sept. 15. The Sept. 20 event is held at Riverdale Community Centre from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Riverdale District Health Auxiliary will again co-ordinate the ever-popular food court. To date, 30 tables have been booked for this chamber fundraiser.

It was noted that Scott Peters of Rivers is scheduling an eight-team ball tournament on the same day, so attendance at the home and craft sale could increase or decrease accordingly. Held at Rivers fairgrounds, it is needed to raise money for a new diamond there. The tournament will feature a barbecue and beer gardens.

If you would like to become involved in promoting your hometown and offering exciting events for your community, please attend the next meeting. Held during lunch hour at Lee鈥檚 Restaurant, membership is open to businesses, organizations and individuals. The next meeting is Sept. 25 at 12 noon.